Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Create Transport File

This example uses the DATA step to create a transport file for one data set.
libname source 'SAS-data-library';
libname xportout xport 'transport-file';
data xportout.grades;
       set source.grades;

This example uses the COPY procedure to create a transport file for multiple data sets.
libname source 'SAS-data-library';
libname xportout xport 'transport-file';
proc copy in=source out=xportout memtype=data;

Click Here


Anonymous said...

This is the OLD way - the NEW way is to use PROC CPORT to create the transport file and PROC CIMPORT to create sas datasets from it. Also can process sas catalogs directly.

Member of said...

Thanks for the comment.

I did explore PROC COPY vs PROC CPORT in the past. The restrictions of the transport file created with the XPORT engine and PROC COPY are variable length cut to 8 characters and label to 40 characters. Using PROC CPORT to create a transport file does not have these limitations. But this format is NOT acceptable for the FDA submissions because it is proprietary. Other non-proprietary method is XML format. SAS has the XML engine and PROC CDISC. The FDA web site has information on the type of XML they will currently accept.

Unknown said...

It was very nice article and it is very useful to SAS OC learners.We also provide Cub training software online training.