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%macro readpass(xlsfile1,xlsfile2,passwd,outfile,sheetname,getnames); options macrogen symbolgen mprint nocaps; options noxwait noxsync; %* we start excel here using this routine here *; filename cmds dde 'excel|system'; data _null_; length fid rc start stop time 8; fid=fopen('cmds','s'); if (fid le 0) then do; rc=system('start excel'); start=datetime(); stop=start+20; do while (fid le 0); fid=fopen('sas2xl','s'); time=datetime(); if (time ge stop) then fid=1; end; end; rc=fclose(fid); run; quit; %* then we open the excel sheet here with its password *; filename cmds dde 'excel|system'; data _null_; file cmds; put '[open("'"&xlsfile1"'",,,,"'"&passwd"'")]'; run; %* then we save it without the password *; data _null_; file cmds; put '[error("false")]'; put '["'"&xlsfile2"'",51,"")]'; put '[quit]'; run; %* Then we import the file here *; proc import datafile="&xlsfile2" out=&outfile dbms=xlsx replace; %* sheet="%superq(datafilm&i)"; sheet="&sheetname"; getnames=&getnames; run; quit; %* then we destroy the non password excel file here *; systask command "del ""&xlsfile2"" "; proc contents data=&outfile varnum; run; %mend readpass;
%readpass(j:\access\accpcff\excelfiles\passpro.xlsx, /* name of the xlsx 2007 file */
c:\sastest\nopass.xlsx, /* temporary xls file for translation for import */
mypass, /* password of the excel spreadsheet */
work.temp1, /* name of the sas dataset you want to write */
sheet1, /* name of the sheet */
yes) ; /* getnames */